Get High Pressure PCP Compressors / Pumps to refill your own rifle or cylinder! From hand pumps, compact 12V to high performing 220V compressors, we have them all. Shop a variety of compressor options to fit the needs of everyone. From casual, weekend warriors to gun clubs and shooting ranges.
These spesilaised Compressors / Pumps fill the airgun in just a few minutes. You can use certain compressors to fill cylinders, too. With 220V versions, you need access to electricity. On the other hand, 12V versions let you power them from a 12V vehicle battery.
We do recommend you get the right compressor oil or silicon lube where necessary. Likewise, investing in proper filters will prevent moisture and debris entering your airgun’s air reservoir. You can find these under our Fittings / Filling Accessories category.
Last on the list of filling options is the hand pump. These are not bicycle tire pumps, but ones made specifically for airgunners. Using a hand pump is the ultimate in self-sufficiency, and they’re comparatively inexpensive.
However, it’s also labor intensive. If attached and pumped every 10 or 15 shots it doesn’t take that many pumps to get the gun back up to maximum. But, if the gun is very low and you’re going to pump it up, it’s a workout. It can take several pumps, and each pump is not equal. As the tank fills, the air pressure is greater, requiring more downward force on the pump.