With this Picatinny Riser 25mm High 127mm Long, you can raise your optics!
Quality made from aluminium alloy and finished in matte black to enhance your rig’s looks. Installation is quick and easy! Dual hex screws hold your riser firmly in place.
We often mount a scope or optic, only to realize the scope doesn’t clear the receiver or sights. Or our air rifle‘s magazine just won’t fit beneath the rifle scope.
There are really 3 main considerations to make the appropriate choice to buy a pic rail -riser or not:
Firstly, shoulder your scoped rifle and look through the scope. You should not have to adjust your Length of Pull due to the height change. If you have to adjust your cheek weld, you may need to consider a riser. Also, if you need to move your eye away or closer to the scope to get proper alignment.
Secondly, having the proper co-witness with your scope reticle and front sight applies more to those with AR-15 platforms. But it can also apply to some hunting and target rifles. If you notice that your Red Dot Sight is way off from your front sight, you will not hit anything you’re aiming at. A co-witness in the gun world means that the red dot or reticle of the optic lines up perfectly with the front sight of the AR.
Thirdly, remember that the companies making the guns are not always making the after-market accessories. Having a universally acceptable product is great, but in this case, most scope and optics fit at different angles and heights. This causes an overall incompatibility with many guns and optics. You can, however, easily overcome this obstacle by fitting a Picatinny or Weaver riser.
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